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Monday, December 30, 2024
Dampak Kurangnya Penerapan Marketing Komunikasi dalam Bisnis
Saturday, November 9, 2024
No Baper-Baper Club
Hai blog, kangennyaaa. Lama nggak nulis di sini. Lama nggak curhat, padahal niat awal blog ini dibuat untuk curhat,untuk bebas melepaskan segalanya, karena kau kuanggap rumah. Ouchhh!
No baper-baper club, ini yang saya anut sekarang. Saya udah nggak kaya dulu yang dalam hal bersosial itu mudah baper. Inget duluu kalau ada sahabat lebih dekat sama orang lain aja, sedih ga abis-abis. Malah pernah musuhan sama temen gegara diantara kami adayang punya "temen deket", you know lah temen deket yang dimaksud, husband wannabe hahaha.
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Selamat Hari Blogger
Selamat hari bogger dari saya yang masih blogger. Kalimatnya terasa gimanaa gitu ya. "Masih" itu seolah eksistensinya sebagai blogger dipertanyakan hahahaha. Ya pigimane tidak dipertanyakan, ngeblog terakhir kapan hayoo, beberapa postingan terakhir juga job semua wkwkwk.
Bandingkan dengan jaman dulu seminggu bisa lo lebih dari satu tulisan. Bahkan bisa aktif nulis di tiga blog! Dan ternyata bukan cuma saya sih yang ngalamin produktivitas dalam ngeblog menurun, yang lain juga. Terungkap dalam sesi kopdar kemarin di kopi Tembalang dalam rangka Hari Blogger.
Monday, September 30, 2024
Cek Rekomendasi Sekolah Kuliner Terbaik di Culinary Schools dan Mainkan Gamenya!
Friday, September 6, 2024
What Makes Feelingirl Tummy Shapewear Different From Other Brands?
Shapewear is a good addition to every woman's life. That's because it improves the quality of overall life by helping you work on your physical shape. That's because a slimming bodysuit can help you shape your body if you wear it regularly. For example, the extra weight will start shedding and your body's curves will improve as well.
However, you cannot achieve these results if you don't have the right shapewear. For this reason, we keep raving about Feelingirl shapewear. That's because it's extremely comfortable and reliable. If you are wondering how Feelingirl shapewear is different from other brands, we have some praises to share!
First of all, the reloable brands like Feelingirl know the importance of choosing and using the right fabrics while designing the shapewear. For this reason, we cannot stop raving about Feelingirl because their fabrics have a premium feel. For instance, they are weaved with a seamless technology, so the fabrics look smooth.